Dass NOFX während Corona keineswegs faul waren, wurde bereits während des ersten Lockdowns spürbar, als Fat Mike & Co. immer wieder neue Songs und Videos posteten.
Daher ist es möglich, dass der eine oder andere Titel der folgenden Auswahl bekannt vorkommt:
1. The Big Drag
2. I Love You More Than I Hate Me
3. Fuck Euphemism
4. Fish In A Gun Barrel
5. Birmingham
6. Linewleum
7. My Bro Cancervive Cancer
8. Grieve Soto
9. Doors and Fours
10. Your Last Resort
So liest sich nämlich die Track-Auswahl des am 26. Februar erscheinenden NOFX-Werks „Single Album“. Zu dessen erster (ähm) Single „Linewleum“, bei der AVENGED SEVENFOLD tatkräftige Unterstützung leisteten, hat Fat Mike folgende Erklärung abgegeben:
„I have no idea why „Linoleum“ is THE NOFX song that is covered by so many bands, while other NOFX songs get hardly any attention. „Linoleum“ wasn’t a single; it had no video; it got no radio play, and most importantly, it didn’t even have a chorus!!! All popular songs have choruses! WTF!
So, one night I stayed up till 4:00 am checking out all the different versions on YouTube. Watching hundreds of bands from over 28 countries (mostly Indonesia) doing „Linoleum“ was a humbling experience for me. So I decided to write a song that was a shout-out to all those people that learned those four chords and remembered the non-rhyming lyrics. Then I asked the biggest of all the bands (Avenged Sevenfold) to play some leads on the song. Then M Shadows suggested we do a video together. Then I figured I should put all of the bands in the video. Well, I couldn’t fit all the bands, but I picked a bunch of cool ones!
A song about not playing a song that’s not a hit song with a video about other bands covering the song! This is why I love punk rock and writing punk songs. Rules out the door!“