TERROR-Shouter Scott Vogel hat sich am Rücken verletzt und muss seine Teilnahme an der in Kürze startenden Europa-Tour absagen. Die passende Vertretung findet sich in den eigenen Reihen, ist Bassist David Wood doch gleichzeitig Frontmann von DOWN TO NOTHING. Für Fans des Hardcore-Gespanns eine willkommene Gelegenheit, die Band von einer (leicht) anderen Seite kennenzulerne!
Vogel selbst kommunizierte seinen Ausfall via Facebook wie folgt:
„After messing my back up last week I just received the MRI results from the injury and I guess it’s bitter sweet news. On one hand, it looks like I will not need surgery. On the other, I have a pretty decent disc problem in my lower back that is pressing on a nerve causing pain and also numbness down my leg to my foot. Feels kinda scary to be honest. This will take some physical therapy to correct and strengthen
Terror is scheduled to leave for our European summer tour in four days. This band does not cancel shows very easily and I would hate to be the cause of a whole tour being pulled. Our bass player, David Wood, sings for an amazing hardcore band called Down To Nothing and he is very capable of stepping in for me while I’m recovering.
I’m hoping everyone is understanding of this situation and can rally behind Terror to make this tour as fun and energized as any other. It’s going be hard for me to stay back while the band is out there playing these shows and acting like weirdos in between them, but life goes on. Please help David out by singing along and as always, we really appreciate all of your support. It’s times like this when it means the most.“